# # This example RDF Turtle file specifies the namespaces to be used when parsing the XMI file with the # same name as the annotation file such as: # iec61970cim17v40_iec61968cim13v13b_iec62325cim03v17b_CIM100.1.1.1.xmi # iec61970cim17v40_iec61968cim13v13b_iec62325cim03v17b_CIM100.1.1.1.annotation # # # Preamble # Note the underscore (_) after the #Package portion of the prefix... # @prefix uml: . @prefix package: . # # Each line below is read: # # package:name uml:baseuri "uri" . # # where: # 'name' is a package name defined in the XMI file # 'uri' is the namespace URI for classes and properties defined therein # package:Extensions uml:baseuri "http://www.ucaiug.org/CIM100/extensions#" . package:Standard uml:baseuri "http://www.ucaiug.org/CIM100/extensions#" .